Carnaval of Malaga

Carnival of Malaga, Carnaval De Malaga, Spain, celebration which hits after Christmas, New Years & The Three Kings. No less impressive than Carnival de Cadiz

Halloween in Spain

The spooky day of 31st of October is approaching and if you are a fan of Halloween for sure it is important for you to know how it is celebrated in Spain.

Carriages Contest of Malaga

The annual competition of Enganches de Malaga is a must contest – exhibition in your travel spot list when you are visiting Malaga during the month of August just before the Feria of Malaga

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Celebration

Celebration of the Virgen del Carmen in Spain – the patron of the mariners and fishermen.

Football in Spain

Foodball in Spain is a huge thing . Christiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and many more players of Real Madrid and Barca made an impact on the popularity of this game. Spanish national team always shows a great results during FIFA World Cup, UEFA European Championship and many more competitions.

La Renta – Declaration of Income in Spain

Declaracion de la Renta is the personal income tax campaign in Spain which takes place every year during the months of April, May and June. Find out about Borrador, Cita Previa, Docomentation, Exceptions and much more.

Cleanliness and Recycling in Spain

Spanish way of dealing with waste, cleaning streets and warm climate which generates smell, bacteria and attracts insects. Ecology, recycling, schedules.